Monday, March 31, 2014


No one said that building an empire was going to be easy
Everyone wants to bring down the king
Even if no one knows he's the king
The voices in his head are calling for his head
Why do the voices want an outcome that will lead to their demise?
The voices in my head are like republicans who vote against their own interest
Do the voices in my head feel there is a better situation?
Who are they?
Why so many voices?
It's getting loud in here
I can't hear with all the screaming
And they tell me the same
It's war
I want death
They want death
And no one wins
What does a guy have to do to acheive victory around here?
What does a guy have to do to get answers around here?
Stop asking questions?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Glass of chaos

I'm so close all the time
It's constantly as if it could go both ways
Dark or light
Stress or free
It's jail or flight
Seems to be running
But more like a dream
I almost escape my head sometimes
I feel high
Then I'm pulled back in
But I remember
I'm building
I guess I'll continue 
I'm trying to enjoy myself
I laugh more
I cried
Or at least I felt close
It's getting better
But it's like I'm on the other side of a glass wall
Beyond the glass is a nightmare
My side of the glass is like a Carwash 
I see the car going through
I'm inside but I'm touching the glass of chaos

Friday, March 28, 2014

You first

Waiting waiting waiting for nothing
Expecting expecting expecting
You're not fucking pregnant!
Hoping and dreaming
It fades
You're left behind
Memories are bullshit
They're pretend
They're nothing
Except the death
This brings the memories of regret
Memories are everything 
But they're not for the weak in spirit
Don't be a coward
We have too many
We're all scared already
Be scared
You can't help that
Walk straight into the thought
Walk straight into the worst case
I've been there
It all eventually evaporates
It's not real
Nothing is
Unless you say it is

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Some type of a circle

I'm beyond lost now
I could say it's dark but it's more than that
I have quiet periods
I see colors
I'm high
But sometimes I'm in too much pain
It's all there
As ugly as I can be
I am beautiful
I hate this
But this is life
I can't seem to embrace this truth
But unfortunately truth eventually embraces us all
I didn't think I could still stand
But my legs work
Today I got up and walked
I'm not here but I am somewhere
It's not the end
I'm back again
It's some type of a circle